Bitcoin Log Regression Rainbow Chart

Projecting Bitcoin price using logarithmic regression

Logarithmic regression is used to model situations where growth or decay accelerates rapidly at first and then slows over time. Many analysts have used Bitcoin logarithmic regression to try and predict the future value of Bitcoin (BTC). The Bitcoin logarithmic growth rainbow chart uses logarithmic (non-linear) regression growth curves, to suggest how Bitcoin price could grow over time. Logarithmic (log) growth curves are visualised via the Bitcoin logarithmic rainbow price projection. For each level of the log rainbow, price is shown hypothetically if Bitcoin were to reach that level.

All-time Bitcoin Log Regression Rainbow

30 Day Bitcoin Log Regression Rainbow

90 Day Bitcoin Log Regression Rainbow

1 Year Bitcoin Log Regression Rainbow

4 Year Bitcoin Log Regression Rainbow

Original log projection introduced by Bitcointalk User trolololo in 2014.
Price data is cached and may not be 100% accurate.
Data updates every 12 hours.