Bitcoin Hashrate Chart

Total Bitcoin hashrate

The Bitcoin hashrate (Hash per second, h/s), or hashing power, is representative of the total number of computational actions being performed by all miners on the Bitcoin network. A Bitcoin block consists of transaction records and a new block is generated every 10 minutes to the blockchain. It is up to miners on the network to reach a consensus between network nodes to ensure transactions on the Bitcoin network are legitimate. The job of the miners is to figure out the correct hash, a 64-digit hexadecimal number, that is less than or equal to a 'target hash', defined by the Bitcoin protocol for newly issued blocks. The miner who guesses the correct hash first is issued Bitcoin as a reward for their computational efforts of mining the Bitcoin block. Once the block has been solved (mined), all miners can then verify that someone has come up with the right answer (hash) for the block and then the miners shift to the next block of transactions.

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Data updates every 24 hours.